
In recent years, red light therapy panels have become increasingly popular as a natural and non-invasive healing approach. These panels use light-emitting diodes (LED) technology to deliver red and near-infrared light to the skin, promoting a range of physical and mental benefits.

This article will delve into the science behind red light panels and how they can support healing and wellness. We will explore the benefits of using red light panels, different ways they can be used, and what to consider when choosing a red light panel.

What is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy is a treatment that uses specific wavelengths of red and near-infrared light to stimulate the cells and promote healing. Red light therapy can penetrate deeply into the skin, reaching the muscles, bones, and tissues.

Red light therapy works by stimulating the cells to produce more energy (ATP), which powers cellular processes, allowing the cells to repair and regenerate. That’s why red light therapy is used to help heal wounds, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain.

How Do Red Light Panels Work?

Red light therapy panels use LEDs to deliver the specific wavelengths of light that promote cellular healing. These panels emit red and near-infrared light, with wavelengths ranging from 600 – 950 nanometers (nm).

The red light (600-700nm) penetrates the top layers of the skin, promoting collagen production, which improves skin texture and reduces wrinkles. The near-infrared light (750-950nm) penetrates deeper into the skin, promoting cellular rejuvenation and regeneration, reducing inflammation and pain.

When red light is introduced to the skin, it triggers a photochemical response in the cells. The mitochondria (our cells’ powerhouse) absorbs the red light, which boosts ATP production. This extra energy supports the cells in carrying out their various functions, including repairing damaged tissues and reducing inflammation.

Benefits of Red Light Panels

The benefits of using red light panels are numerous, and it is a holistic approach for addressing many different conditions. Here are some of the benefits of red light therapy:

1. Promotes Wound Healing and Tissue Repair

Red light therapy stimulates collagen production, which is necessary for skin regeneration and healing of wounds. Additionally, red light therapy can help reduce scarring after surgery.

2. Reduces Inflammation

Red light therapy helps reduce inflammation by promoting cellular regeneration and reducing oxidative stress.

3. Helps with Pain Relief

Red light therapy helps alleviate pain by reducing inflammation and promoting cellular regeneration.

4. Improves Skin Health and Appearance

Red light therapy improves skin texture, increases collagen production, and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

5. Supports Mental Health and Wellbeing

Red light therapy has been shown to help reduce anxiety and depression symptoms.

Ways to Use Red Light Panels

Red light panels can be used in several ways, depending on what the person is looking to address. Here are some possible ways to use red light panels:

1. Topical

Red light panels can be used as a topical treatment by holding the panel near the skin. This approach is useful for addressing minor injuries, such as cuts and bruises.

2. Full Body

Some red light panels are large enough to cover the entire body. This approach provides full-body healing benefits, promoting cellular rejuvenation and reducing inflammation throughout the body.

3. Infrared Sauna

Some infrared saunas come equipped with red light panels. Using a red light panel in an infrared sauna provides both the benefits of red light therapy and the benefits of using an infrared sauna.

Choosing a Red Light Panel

When choosing a red light panel, there are several factors to consider, including:

1. Wavelength

The wavelengths of light emitted by a red light panel are essential. For optimal results, the panel should emit red light (600-700nm) and near-infrared light (750-950nm).

2. Power Output

The power output of a red light panel determines how deeply the light penetrates the skin. Make sure to choose a red light panel with a sufficient power output.

3. Size

Red light panels come in different sizes. Choose a size that suits your needs and the space where you plan to use it.

4. Safety

Ensure that the red light panel you choose is safe to use and meets all regulatory standards.